Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Caleb and Micah

When you have two young children with any age difference, its always a challenge to get them to look at the camera smiling at the same time. Always! Caleb is three and Micah is 5 months so today was no exception. Hopefully with my editing skills some of the created ones will suffice. At the bottom you will see two examples of my combining images to try and make one more pleasing. Aside from that, they were both very cute little boys and I think we got some good shots of them individually. Here are some from todays session:

Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography

Here are two of my efforts at combining images to make new ones. You can click on them to see them larger:

Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Caleb and Micah children portraits Shutterbelle Photography

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