Thursday, July 16, 2009

Old Photo Restoration

This is a wedding picture of my great grandmother Asta Hansen Fleming. My relatives believe the wedding was in 1924 but we're not positive; it may have been earlier. But 1924 was the year they moved into their Estate that is still in my family. (the Estate was built in 1879 and is pretty cool!) She was born in Denmark and moved to the Virgin Islands at age ten. Her husband George Alexander Fleming was third generation Irish on St. Croix. Anyway... the wedding photo has been damaged. It had been in an oval frame, stuck to the glass, and then the glass broke and not all the pieces of glass would come off without further damaging the picture. So.. I took a picture of it, and have restored it for my family to enjoy. I am pretty pleased with the results.
You can click on any of these images and they will come up larger for viewing.

This is the original photograph I took of the photo, next to my initial restoration:
photo restoration Shutterbelle Photography
Here I have added in the background to make it a full image instead of just oval, and then edited the coloring and contrast more.
photo restoration Shutterbelle Photography
This was the final result:
photo restoration Shutterbelle Photography


Eese said...

Impressive, Amanda! Lovely!

Bookwerme said...

It is just BEAUTIFUL!