Monday, November 16, 2009

Katie's 6 month portraits

Katie's session was actually on the seventh but I'm still trying to catch up on all my sessions so I am late in posting these even though her album has been online a few days. And to be honest... so much happens in a week for a sleep-deprived mommy, I barely even remember doing the session! The pictures are cute though! So enjoy:

Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography
Katie 6 months portraits Shutterbelle Photography

1 comment:

jpyfferoen said...

love the flower head bands!